Car Review: The Toyota Rav4 or Ford Escape?
The comparison of the Toyota Rav4 and Ford Escape SUVs is a hot topic right now. Any topic with two competing car brands is a popular one. How do you choose the best of these two vehicles for you and your family? You have to think of what’s best for your lifestyle and...
8 Tips to Become a Better Driver!
Want to improve staying safe on the road? Keep you and your family safe by paying attention to how well you’re driving and how you can improve. No matter how long you have been driving, there are still cautious ways of driving to be reminded of! We at Harris...
Signs your power steering fluid is too low!
Your car will tell you, with multiple signs, that it needs more power steering fluid. It’s a simple fix for your car and very low in cost as well. Make sure not to overlook this issue as it can cause damage to your car pump, which can an expensive car repair. Here are...
6 Warning Signs to Watch for in an Older Car!
Do you have an old Toyota or Honda with thousands of miles on it that you have been hanging onto for a while? We all love old vintage cars that are still looking good and that are kept up well! Whether your car is a vintage Toyota classic or just an older vehicle,...
5 Ways to Preserve Your Engine
Your car engine is the core of your vehicle that keeps your entire vehicle going! So, it’s very important to maintain the health of your engine and preserve it well. How do you preserve it so it lasts for years to come? We want to highlight five ways to preserve your...
Top 5 things to know before getting new tires!
Tires are the top safety feature of your vehicle. No matter what kind of car you have, the tires are the only part that make contact with the actual road. So, it’s important to take care of the health of your tires to prolong the life of not just your tires but your...
Which Is More Reliable: A Foreign or an American Car?
This specific car topic has been debated for years now. Should I purchase a foreign car, like a Honda, or should I get an American car, like a Ford? The debate could go on and on, so we wanted to give you real information behind the two options and their reliability....
Top 7 car safety features
What are considered safe cars today? Safe cars don’t entirely have to do with how small or big they are, but more with how they’re built and what kind of safety features are available. Purchasing a car with great safety features is a must the next time you are on the...
5 Ways to have the best experience with your mechanic!
Having issues with your vehicle again? We all know how much work it can be to take your car in to the shop after having multiple car issues. Make it easier on yourself and your mechanic by being prepared and clearly communicating your needs! Here are five ways to have...
Get your vehicle spring break ready!
Are you planning a trip with the family this spring break 2019?! Here are some things you may not have thought to check before driving off to your spring break 2019 destination with the fam. These tips will help you not only have a fun time but also a safe trip, with...
Spring cleaning for your car!
Happy first day of SPRING! Can you believe spring is already here?! No more shoveling snow or ice off of your vehicle and freezing in your car while it heats up. Here in Ohio, we are ready for some warmer weather, and so are our cars. Do you and your car a favor, and...
What causes a bad heater core?
What is a heater core, and how does it go bad? And what kind of signs show that your vehicle’s heater core may be not working properly? Start preventative care now, so you don’t have to have a costly heater core repair down the road! Find out in this article all the...