Battery & Starters
Schedule A Free Battery or Alternator Test
Battery & Starter Replacements
Starting your car should be easy, but issues can arise from time to time. Fully functional components such as the alternator, battery, and starter are vital to your vehicle starting and running safely and reliably. At Harris Automotive, we are committed to providing you with expert auto repair advice and services.
At Harris Automotive, our certified technicians are highly experienced and will handle your vehicle’s starting issues using state-of-the-art tools to restore proper function. Schedule an appointment today!
Common Battery & Starter Services: Alternator Replacement, Battery Replacement & Starter Replacement
FAQ battery & starters
How long does a car battery last?
In general, car batteries should last 3-4 years. Some batteries, however, could last as long as 6 years while others need to be replaced after a year or two.
How can I check my car battery's age?
You can determine the age of your car battery by checking its label. This label is typically on the side of the battery. Look for a letter and a digit. The letter indicates the month the car battery was manufactured (A = January, B = February, etc.) The following digit will indicate the year the battery was manufactured (0 = 2010, 1 = 2011, 2 = 2012, etc.).
How do I know when my car needs a new battery?
Here are some common signs that you need a new battery:
- You frequently have to jump start your car
- Slow engine turnover
- Battery smells bad
- Your battery case is bulging
How do I know if I need a new alternator?
Here are some common signs that you need a new alternator:
- Trouble starting your car
- Dim or overly bright lights
- Smell of burning rubber or wires
- Battery dashboard warning light is on
How do I get a professional opinion on my battery or starter?
Contact Harris Automotive for a FREE battery or alternator test! This is a special offer! The phone number for our Blacklick location is (614) 864-8215 and Westerville location is (614) 891-4773.

Schedule A Free Battery or Alternator Test
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