Have you thought about updating your vehicle as one of your new year goals? Or maybe you want to finally start taking better care of the interior?! If you are looking to prolong the life of your vehicle, it’s a great idea to start taking care of your vehicle TODAY. Don’t worry, it’s never too late to start! We have come up with five new year goals for your car that you will appreciate, and so will your car!

1.A fresh start!

One of the first new year goals we suggest making is to simply clean the exterior and interior really good. A good deep clean in your carpet and a wax will make your car look like a million bucks! It will also keep your car smelling fresh, keep away rust, and make for a friendlier ride for your passengers. If you need good car cleaning supplies, Adam’s Polishes has a ton of great products: https://bit.ly/2EIDDMv.

2. Update your tires!

No matter what kind of car you may have, standard or higher end, tires are the most important factor in driving! Add updating your tires to your new year goals list to see your driving become easier and less bumpy. Make sure your tires are aligned, filled with air, cleaned, and check the tread. Read everything you need to know about tire health and purchasing new tires here: https://harrisautomotiverepair.com/tire-store/ .

3. Create fewer distractions!

This may have not been on your new year goals list yet! Keep yourself less distracted on the road this year by being intentional about eliminating distractions. If you are listening to music, keep it low so you can hear cars on the road and if there is an emergency vehicle coming your way. Also, try to keep eating in the vehicle to a minimum as it is quite dangerous to multitask and drive.

4. Get better accessories!

Don’t forget to spoil your car this year with gifts! Invest into new car accessories this year with things like a new car radio, phone magnet, tires, and new car mats. Find accessories that will work for you and are important to you. Assess what you currently have and make updates throughout the year. Start an upgrade budget for your vehicle just like you make a grocery budget for the year.

5. Get repairs done right away!

The single best new year goals you can make this year for your car is to get car repairs done right away. Don’t wait until it gets bad to make a repair. You will end up spending twice the amount of money and time! Even if you are not sure what’s going wrong with your vehicle, don’t hesitate or wait. Take it in right away to a car repair shop you know and trust! Ask a friend or relative if you do not know of a trustworthy repair shop near you.

We hope this list of goals helps you narrow down how you want to start updating your vehicle in the new year! If you are looking for a new car repair shop this year, we at Harris Automotive are a trustworthy company you will love. Our team of mechanics is dedicated to making you feel safe on the road and improving your car’s driving ability all year long!

See what all of our amazing customers have to say about our car repair shop here!

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