Start your 2018 with a good set of practical goals for your vehicle! While you may not able to take care of your car repair needs all at once, start somewhere! Here are some ideas to get you thinking about how to properly take care of your car to make it last as long as you can. These simple updates will help you maintain a great running vehicle.
We at Harris Automotive are here for all of your car repair needs!
-Get your vehicle’s body back into shape!
If you’re thinking of getting into shape this 2018, don’t forget about your car as well! Grab a new notebook and pen and make a list of monthly to do’s for your vehicle’s body. A simple list would be:
- Check your tire pressure.
- Clean your car regularly.
- Check the oil.
- Take a look at your paint. (Give your car a monthly wax.)
- Make sure there are no leaks.
- Check your lights.
-Address any minor issues right away!
If you’re a procrastinator when it comes to taking your car in right away, change that habit this year! Bring your car into a local automotive shop regularly or if you have minor issues. This will help save your car if something that seems minor is actually a major problem. This will also keep you safe during the winter time!
-Learn something NEW!
Is there something you want to learn how to do rather than having someone else do it for you? Learn it this year! Maybe you don’t know how to change a tire, fill up your car’s oil, or any other minor car repair. Ask someone from your family or your local auto shop to teach you how! This will be something you can teach someone else eventually and is great knowledge to have.
-Quit any bad habits!
Change a bad habit this year! Maybe you text and drive or wait for months to clean your car. Whatever it is, we all have something we can improve. Write it down and make it a priority to improve the way you drive and maintain your car in 2018. You will thank yourself down the road!
-Take your car somewhere NEW!
Now for the most fun New Year’s resolution! Go somewhere that you have never been this year! If even a couple of hours away is all you can do, go for it! Getting in the car and going spontaneously makes for some of the best memories! As long as you are caring for your car regularly and keeping up with your car repair needs, you will be good to go!
Talk to us today!
We at Harris Automotive love our customers and strive to make long lasting relationships with every customer! Contact us today for all of your car repair needs here!
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