Brake Pad Replacement
Brake and pad intervals will vary per vehicle and per driver. Brake pad replacement should be done by a qualified auto repair shop unless you know exactly what you’re doing. Brake pads are obviously one of those wearable items that will need replacement. Proper brake pad replacement is essential because its what stops you. When you stop and think about it your very life as well as your passengers lives relies on your vehicles brakes functioning as they should. This is not something to take lightly. When you need to stop in an emergency, you need to stop in the shortest distance possible.
If your brakes have been improperly installed they will not function “as designed” which could cause you to be in a very severe accident. Brake pads need to be of sufficient quality to withstand the heat and stresses that are placed upon the pads. When it comes to brake pads is cheaper better? I don’t know about you but cheap doesn’t necessarily ring true with me when it comes to my safety, the safety of my passengers and other drivers, pedestrians etc. Brake pads come in different grades, made of different materials and naturally come with different price tags. Luckily for us here in the U.S. manufactures have manufacturing standards they have to adhere to when it comes to brake pads.
Brake pad replacement costs vary with the brake pads