Summer is arriving and fuel prices are rising. While there are options to purchase a fuel-friendly car, this is not always the easiest way. This is especially true if you have a large family. We at Harris Automotive want to equip you with some easy ways to boost your fuel economy. Here are some tips to have a fun summer while being able to save. Check for an Auto Repair near me to make sure your car is up-to-date and ready for summer!

  1. Check your engine fuel

Old engine fuel equals low fuel economy! Make sure to check your car’s engine fuel regularly, and get a regular oil change. This is a great way to get the most out of your fuel. This will also affect how many miles per gallon you get out of your vehicle.

If you are in need of an oil change or engine services, search for Auto Repair near me or stop by one of our Harris Automotive shops today!

  1. Don’t drive with heavy unnecessary items

Clean out all unnecessary items and junk from your car! This is a great way to keep some of that extra weight off of your car, which saves your fuel. Traveling with more weight will make your engine burn fuel faster. So the less weight, the more your gas mileage will improve.

  1. Go the speed limit, NO speeding

This is an easy fix, but it may be hard for some to get out of the habit of doing it. Speeding can actually decrease your gas mileage by more than 30 percent! The more consistent you are driving, the more fuel efficient your car will be.

  1. Keep your tires in good shape

If you do not already know, your tires have a big impact on your car’s fuel economy! Tires with low air pressure tend to underperform when it comes to fuel economy, and it causes premature wear. So when searching for the nearest Auto Repair near me, give your tires a quick pressure check!

If you need anything else for your tires, we at Harris Automotive have a full tire replacement and tire rotation services available for you.

  1. Avoid traffic when you can

I know this may sound inconvenient, but take the back roads around traffic when you can. Of course, no one goes looking for traffic. But if you are familiar with a road that is always busy, try finding a more efficient way of getting to your location. Going slow on a road for miles and miles will waste a lot of fuel. This is an easy way to start saving your money and time in the long run.

So while gas prices are constantly rising, no matter what, these are some tips to help boost your fuel economy. These easy steps will help you get the most out of your vehicle. If you need more tips or advice, we are here for you!

Give us a call at (614)-864-8215 or (614)-891-4773

When searching for an Auto Repair near me, stop by one of our locations here in Central Ohio. We have two locations located in Blacklick and Westerville!